Opening Hours
Mon-Wed-Fri 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM and 5 PM to 8 PM / Wed 5 PM to 8 PM / Fri 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM

Lumbago is defined as a mild to severe pain or discomfort into the area of the lower back. The pain can be acute and sudden, or chronic.  Pain is felt across the lower part of the back and sometimes radiate into the buttocks, back of the thigh or groin. The pain is often accompanied by movement reduction, tens muscles and stiff back.

In our Clinic, you will undergo a full examination that will determine the cause of the lumbago. Sometimes it may just be a poor posture, wrong habits in weight loading, or aggressive exercise.

The origin of the pain usually is a strong muscle contraction, but it is important to rule out any type of lumbar nerve impingement, herniated disc, or any pathology related to the spine.

Chiropractic treatment is based on adjusting the affected vertebra, returning it to the ideal, thereby eliminating painful symptoms position. website provides information about the professional services offered by Centro Quiropráctico Puig, owner of the contents of this website. The contents of this website are offered for informative purposes only. The owner is not responsible for the contents or the statements and opinions expressed by third parties on this website. The contents of the website do not constitute or intend to replace a professional health advice, since Chiropractic Care is not a health profession and has not been subject to formal regulation in Spain, so the owner does not assume any responsibility, direct or indirect, that could be derived from the use of said information.

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