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La Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by decreased bone mass and deterioration of bone microarchitecture, which causes an increase in bone fragility and risk of fractures. This condition is asymptomatic and may go undetected for many years until finally a fracture occurs.

Our bones are at their most dense in our early 20s – called peak bone mass. As we age some of our bone cells begin to dissolve bone matrix (resorption), while new bone cells deposit osteoid (formation). This process is known as remodeling.  For people with osteoporosis, bone loss outpaces the growth of new bone. Bones become porous, brittle and prone to fracture.

It is more common in women than in men, and menopause is one of the factors that influence its development in women, since the disappearance of ovarian function leads to increased bone resorption.


Malnutrition, poor diet, alcohol and cigarettes, insufficient exercise and the administration of some drugs may also promote the development of osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis has no cure, but what we do with chiropractic treatment is to slow its progression. website provides information about the professional services offered by Centro Quiropráctico Puig, owner of the contents of this website. The contents of this website are offered for informative purposes only. The owner is not responsible for the contents or the statements and opinions expressed by third parties on this website. The contents of the website do not constitute or intend to replace a professional health advice, since Chiropractic Care is not a health profession and has not been subject to formal regulation in Spain, so the owner does not assume any responsibility, direct or indirect, that could be derived from the use of said information.

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